The association held a “thank you” dinner evening, on Saturday the 26th of November, for the current president Mr Gordon Pepperell. Association member, Hilary Douglas Bastone, addressed the attendees with a summary of Gordon’s term in office during 2022.
Gordon’s period as President has had its challenges. The issue of the fountain in the Royal Avenue Gardens did put him and the committee officers under pressure.
However, Gordon has been extremely supportive of the officers and members in their attempts to rectify the challenges that were presented, not only with the Police and the Town Council, but also to the ordering of the new parts and pieces, right through to completing the task including the painting of the railings, and the town’s thanks go out to all the membership.
Friday evening, we had the switch on of the town Christmas lights, an event which attracted around an estimated 200 people, with the Old Dartmothians members serving up over 100 cups of mulled wine.
There have been many reports with photos of the event on local social media, and right there on centre stage of the event is the fountain with the Christmas tree in the background, so the target to complete the project in time for Christmas celebrations was met.
Gordon has been fully engaged in all areas of the association’s work during 2022 as well as being instrumental in attracting and enrolling an influx of new members, which is something needed for the Association to continue to flourish.
Next year is the Association’s centenary, and the committee are seeking ideas of how best to celebrate the occasion. Richard Rendle, our secretary, is keen to formulate a list of worthy projects for the town.
Douglas ended the address by asking the assembled members to stand and raise their glasses in a toast of thanks and appreciation for all of Gordon’s efforts.