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My thanks go to Barry Morris for sending in the scanned pages from the official record book and then sending to me on a disk.

1923 25 Fred Voisey Sec 1923 25 whwelsford 1926 27 hbbartlett
 1923 - 1925 - Fred Voisey. Sec. 1923 - 1925 - W.H. Welsford 1926 - 1927 - H.B. Bartlett
1928 rtpillar 1930 34 jjmpillar 1935 jfox
 1928 - 1929 - R.T. Pillar  1930 - 1934 - Capt. J.J.M. Pillar 1935 - J. Fox
1936 sclegg 1937 whfox 1938 jjhmoses
1936 - Lt. S.C. Legg. RN  1937 - Major W.H. Fox 1938 - J.J.H. Moses. JP
1939 44 trtdunning 1945 hwbarnes 1946 gaashton
1939 - 1944 - T.R.T. Dunning 1945 - H.W. Barnes 1946 - G.A. Ashton
1947 jgashton 1948 jnphilip 1949 crisaac
1947 - J.G. Ashton 1948 - J.N. Philip 1949 - C.R. Isaac
1950 hjadams 1 1951 ABSteart  1952 btbarber 
1950 - H.J. Adams 1951 - A.B. Steart 1952 - B.T. Barber
1953 wjbowhay 1954 efhusson 1955 hsanold
1953 - W.J. Bowhay 1954 - E.F. Husson 1955 - H.S. Arnold
1956 wjellis 1957 sghearn 1958 wtpillar a
1956 - W.J. Ellis 1957 - S.G. Hearn 1958 - W.T. Pillar
1959 amwchapman a 1960 wjwotton  1961 hjsveale 
1959 - Lt. A.M.W. Chapman. RN 1960 - W.J.Wotton 1961 - H.J.S. Veale
1962 hcanderson 1963 hgtriggs 1964 rmiddleton
1962 - H.C. Anderson 1963 - H.G. Triggs 1964 - R. Middleton. JP
1965 hclloyd 1966 7 gaperring  1968 fcbkirk
1965 - Major H.C. Lloyd. JP 1966 - 1967 - Ald. G.A.C. Perring 1968 - F.C.B. Kirk
1969 wjmiddleton 1970 afhrutter 1971 jbeable
1969 - W.J. Middleton 1970 - A.F.H. Rutter 1971 - J. Beadle
  1972 artucker  
   1972 0 A.R. Tucker