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My thanks go to Barry Morris for sending in the scanned pages from the official record book and then sending to me on a disk.

1973 4 egsaunders 1975 dghitt 1976 plwiddicombe
 1973 - 1974 - Sq. Ldr. E.G. Saunders 1975 - D.G. Hitt.   MBE 1976 - P.L. Widdicombe
1977 egmashford 1978 espillar 1979 sgbell
 1977 - E.G. Mashford  1978 - E.S. Pillar 1979 - S.H. Bell
1980 wtrendle 1981 dijowen 1982 pddaw 
1980 - W.T. Rendle  1981 - D.I.J. Owen 1982 - P.D. Daw
1983 wrsturner 1984 wwhawke 1985 wparr ferris
1983 - W.R.S. Turner 1984 - W.W. Hawke 1985 - W. Parr-Ferris
1986 cwpearson 1987 cjmckie 1988 bgridalls
1986 - C.W. Pearson 1987 - C.J. McKie 1988 - B.G. Ridalls
1989 cwrking 1990 jhpockett 1991 rfrendle
1989 - C.W.R. King 1990 - J.H. Pockett 1991 - R.F. Rendle   MBE
1992 mstone 1993 hwwillis 1994 akbrook
1992 - M. Stone 1993 - H.W. Willis 1994 - A.K. Brook
1995 gsmorris 1996 akcockerill 1997 gdjpearce
1995 - G.S. Morris 1996 - A.K. Cockerill 1997 - G.D.J. Pearce
1998 hwhutchins 1999 srsimmons 2000 wjfleet
1998 - H.W. Hutchins 1999 - S.R. Simmons 2000 - W.J. Fleet
2001 pdenning 2002 bjlangworthy 2003 thodge
2001 - P. Denning 2002 - B.J. Langworthy 2003 - A. Hodge
2004 ldbailey 2005 mjbowden 2006 bwwoodgate
2004 - L.D. Bailey 2005 - J. Bowden 2006 - B. Woodgate
2007 rburnham 2008 appyne 2009 tottway
2007 - R. Burnham 2008 - A. Pyne 2009 - T. Otway
2010 tabraham 2011 jsambells 2012 bbrehout
2010 - T. Abraham 2011 - J. Sambells 2012 -  B. Brehout
2013 bmorris 2014 llangworthy 2015 jcowling
2013 - B. Morris  2014 - L. Langworthy 2015 - J. Cowling
2016 bfrench 2017 rwaycott 2018 jmitchmelmore
2016 - B. French 2017 - R. Waycott 2018 - J. Mitchelmore

2019rambden 1

2022gordonpeperell 1

2019 & 2021 - R. Lambden  2022 - Gordon Pepperell 2023 - Alan Orchard
2024 HilaryDouglasBastone     
 2024 - Hilary Douglas Bastone